Working Together
Helping healthcare professionals
Our dedicated Partnership Team can work alongside you to better support your patients. We offer consistent guidance, feedback and help to measure how effective our programmes are at improving your patients’ health.
We can arrange for our local Partnership Manager or Outreach Co-ordinator to visit you and your team to discuss how we can help in more detail, and how we can work collaboratively. We’re also available to represent our service at your outreach activities or events.

Service presentations
Learn more about what we offer, how to refer eligible patients and the ways One You can uniquely support your team and patients.
We work closely with you to identify any challenges you are facing and plan innovative strategies to boost referrals. Our aim is to support you and your staff to improve the health of your patients.
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Marketing resources
We offer a range of free assets to help promote One You Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster to your patients.
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Support with personalised Key Performance Indicators and Data
We can provide detailed steps to help you achieve Quality and Outcomes Framework points through your referrals, information on how many of your patients are eligible, and how we can help you to reach those patients not yet in service.
We will work together to outline a step-by-step short term plan to immediately improve referrals in a way that benefits your practice.
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Training and support
We provide free training to people working within professional healthcare organisations to engage, support and signpost residents with health risks.
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Working with the community
Peer support - Become a peer supporter
Peer Supporters will develop from the service who can provide wrap-around or follow up support for lifestyle or wider wellbeing through coaching development and lived experience. This can be delivered through online or face-to-face sessions and may include listening, discussions, brief interventions, and signposting support.
Innovation and voluntary sector organisations
Ring-fenced funding will further optimise what the service can achieve and meet local needs even more effectively. We will pilot new approaches, establish new partnerships, co-designing, developing, and delivering with a truly integrated approach and dedicated funding to support this.
Community projects
Coming soon
Pop-up projects
Coming soon