Healthcare Professionals
One You Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster is here to help you support local residents to lead healthier lifestyles.
We provide a universal Integrated Health Lifestyle Service to provide bespoke interventions that enable your patients to make simple and sustainable changes and improve their health. Our aim is to reduce their long-term risk of developing cardiovascular disease or lifestyle-related cancers.
The service is funded in partnership by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council and delivered by Reed Wellbeing.
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Give us a call on 0808 175 6385
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What we offer
Helping residents through a range of health interventions
Working with Healthcare professionals
How we help residents

We provide a range of health interventions to residents of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster.
These are targeted, evidence-based interventions that reduce key risk factors for cardiovascular disease and lifestyle related cancers, including smoking, drinking above recommended limits, unhealthy eating habits, inactivity, low physical activity levels, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and raised cholesterol.
Our aims include reducing health inequalities and raising awareness of health risks across our boroughs to reduce overall mortality attributable to cardiovascular disease for residents aged under 75. We particularly focus on supporting those living in deprived areas, residents form global majority communities, residents with learning and/or physical disabilities and residents with mental health issues.
All our interventions are underpinned by proven behaviour change best practice, theory and techniques and comply with relevant NICE, COM-B and NCSCT guidelines.
They are developed by our in-house experts in psychology, nutrition, physical activity and other lifestyle risk factors. Our experts provide quality assurance across all our interventions, which are data-led and outcome-driven.
Move More
Support to find ways to become more physically activity.
How it works
- One-to-one sessions with a Health & Wellbeing Coach
- In person or online
- 15/30 minutes session duration Weeks one to six: 30 minutes, weeks seven to ten: 15 minutes
- One session a week for ten weeks
Eat Well
Support to consume the right portions of the right food and drink.
How it works
- One-to-one sessions with a Health & Wellbeing Coach
- In person or online
- 15/30 minutes session duration Weeks one to six: 30 minutes, weeks seven to ten: 15 minutes
- One session a week for ten weeks
Drink Less
Support to reduce alcohol intake habits.
How it works
- One-to-one sessions with a Health & Wellbeing Coach
- In person or online
- 30 minutes session duration
- One session per month for four months
Lose Weight
Support to achieve and maintain a healthy weight - either through one-to-one personal support or in a group setting.
How it works
- One-to-one and group sessions with a Health & Wellbeing Coach
- In person or online (one-to-one) in person (group)
- 45 minutes session (one-to-one) or 60mins session (group)
- Eight sessions over 12 weeks (one-to-one)
- 13 sessions over 12 weeks (group)
Be Tobacco Free
Support to quit smoking for good - either through one-to-one personal support or in a group setting.
How it works
- One-to-one and group sessions with a Health & Wellbeing Coach
- In person or online (one-to-one) in person (group)
- 30/60 minutes session (one-to-one) or 90mins session (group)
- Nine sessions over 12 weeks (one-to-one)
- Seven sessions over 12 weeks (group)
Cut Down to Quit
Support for patients who smoke to cut down their use in order to prepare and make a success of a permanent quit attempt.
How it works
- One-to-one sessions with a Health & Wellbeing Coach
- In person or online
- 30 minutes session duration
- One session per week for three weeks
Making Positive Change
Healthy lifestyle coaching based on patients' own circumstances and health goals to embed and sustain positive behavioural change.
How it works
- One-to-one sessions with a Health & Wellbeing Coach
- In person or online
- 15/30 minutes session duration Weeks one to six: 30 minutes, weeks seven to ten: 15 minutes
- One session per week for ten weeks
Healthy Hearts and Minds
Support for patients to address mental health issues, including stress and anxiety management.
How it works
- One-to-one sessions with a Health & Wellbeing Coach
- In person or online
- 30/60 minutes session duration
- One session per week for ten weeks
- One session per week for ten weeks
NHS Health Checks
Signposting to your GP practice and other health service settings to encourage uptake of the NHS Health Check for residents aged 40-74.
We facilitate payment for these interventions on behalf of the Councils.
How we help healthcare professionals
Find out more about what we offer healthcare professionals including our free behaviour change training.